Props Road Fools


Big stair jump
Stair jump - Road Fools 1

Props Road Fools first season was released in 1998. The team behind the production took a bunch of riders, loaded them on to a trailer and drove around different states.

Each rider had their speciality, whether it was street, ramps or verts. This created a competitive atmosphere where each rider push the boudaries, trying out new and exciting tricks while supporting one another.

The documentary style series would carry on for a total of 18 seasons. With every season the riders and tricks became bigger and crazier.. These guys were always coming up with stuff you never thought could be possible but they did it anyways. I found the show to be very inspiring.

Of all the, road fools, seasons only one really stuck with me and that was Road Fools 14, check it out. The different styles, the passion, commitment and energy really stuck with me.

season 1 road fools riders
Road Fools 1

If you want to know a bit more about road fools check this article out Props Road Fools where you can read about each season.